★★★ On Sales: Total of 116 colorful flashcards at $0.99 in limited time only! ★★★
Edu Kids is a new interactive way of learning flashcards with your kids!
★★★ Why your kids will love it ★★★
✩ A Total of 116 pictures from Animal, Bird, Insect, and Ocean world!
✩ Every Pictures is designed in a "BIG" size with HD quality.
✩ Contains three learning modes
1. Flash Card mode - Your kids can learn all the flashcards words with word pronouncation in this mode
2. Guess mode - Your kids can make guesses on the flashcards
3. Exercise mode - Finally, you kids can "draw & connect", animals name as if in the workbook
Now, with just $0.99 instead of spending dollars, you can get 116 colorful flashcards for your kids!